Blue Collar Boys

I’ve got a thing for blue collar, working dudes. This may seem odd, considering that my own dear husband is a therapist, as I am. A professional with a degree and everything, but he’s not the average white collar man. We fell for each other very young, when we were both just out of high school, and we first got to know one another while doing physical labor. During college, my beloved climbed high tension towers, drove a taxi cab and work the night shift at a posh hotel. We both worked. TSMOOCHED - 2500his was in the days before college loans were freely available and I’m grateful for that.

My sexy sweetie knows about fixing plumbing and building stuff with his hands. He and I just installed a in-the-wall ironing board for my mother-in-law, who still irons, bless her.

Working guys, who build muscles the honest way, don’t have to spend hours in a gym to look hot. It’s friggin’ sexy and I think blue collar guys deserve to be celebrated a little. In my new series–to be released in late October–I write about the Thompson family who harvest resellable items from old buildings. Yes, they do salvage work and they are all eye-catching, hard-working men. First out will be Smooched, the story of Case Thompson who inherited a young niece and finds himself falling for the last woman he expected.