Anyone who has been in a relationship a while, can wonder how to keep the love going. This week is the Fourth of July and seems like the right time to talk about Fireworks! The romantic kind, I mean. Life can be challenging, but having a loved one takes the edges off.

Fun with your mate can be romantic, whether this is sexy, like reading the Kama Sutra as one reader suggested, or whether you take weekend trips together. Sometimes romantic fireworks spark when partners aren’t expecting them! Just doing new stuff can stir up the action, even if you don’t think you look all that great.

When plotting the stories that weave through my head, I often think about what really makes people love one another and what shows love. Building these moments into a romance makes it resonate with the reader and writing this is so much more fun for me.

We tend to fall for those who make big sacrifices for us, but not just any sacrifice–it needs to be something that’s important for you! So, if you’re looking for a way to bring some sparkle to your relationship, think about what really gets your partner excited. This may or may not involve nudity, but it’ll help make getting naked way more fun!