How many blue collar heroes do you know? Husband, father, brothers?

There’s nothing wrong with a millionaire dude. In fantasy, we love them and all the interesting possibilities they present. Mostly, we love the idea of a relationship filled with fabulous vacations, beautiful houses, lots of shopping…and no arguing over how to pay the credit card bill this month.

Guys in thousand dollar suits might be attractive, but working men have to put their backs into their work…and their fun. And their fronts and sides. I’ve been dwelling recently on hot firemen and police officers and Fex Ex guys. These are men who use both their brains and their brawn to bring home the bacon in lots of ways. These are real men who go home each night to the women they love and they’re way more easily found than the fantasy millionaire(who might never get to the gym).

There are a ton of men who are losers–men who fail to pay their child support and those who don’t call women when they promise–but this isn’t limited to guys without a degree and a corner office. Loser men exist at all income levels.

I say let’s celebrate the guy who warms your feet on cold nights. The ones who raise children with you, who stand by your side when it comes time to care for your cranky oldsters and who love you even when you’re not perfect.

Let’s do the same for them.