I started writing romance when interaction with a writer friend got me thinking. I love words and have always read. As a matter of fact, one of my earliest memories is of waking in the middle of the night–at four or five–and carrying a book into little hall where I could turn on the light without waking my family. I love reading and used to read encyclopedias when I could find nothing else. When I discovered romances, I was in heaven. The two things that work best for me–relationships and reading.

Once I started writing, it naturally occurred to me to see if I could get my stories published. This was back in the day and the industry in New York was the only option. I joined my local RWA chapter, joined a critique groups and started churning out books. This was my private antidote to grad school. (I don’t love school, but I wanted the job that came with the degrees.) While submitting my work and getting some good feedback from editors, I had some rough experiences along the way. I had some bad agents and a decent one who wasn’t as hard for a sale as I was. I waited and waited and waited for answers to submissions and sometimes the answers didn’t get a response, at all. An editor who shall remain nameless told me that my characters were “mean”…. I still don’t know what she was referring to.

I write because words are like breathing to me and I write romance because I love relationships, particularly romantic ones. I’ve been married(to the same man) since I was nineteen. I know the ups and downs and I don’t believe love automatically fades or gets stale.

I’ve tried not writing, but as my beloved spouse says, I’m happier doing it than not doing it.