REVIEW: Venus in Blue Jeans(Konigsburg Book 1) by Meg Benjamin

This is a fun, fast read about life in small town Texas. I discovered the book after reading a sample (which is what I do with all books before buying. It’s kind of like browsing in a bookstore). I very much like Ms. Benjamin’s style. She draws her characters with skill and makes them interesting, even if they are idiosyncratic. The book, while not precisely comical, has amusing characters–including a distressed Chihuahua named Senior Pepe–many of whom have been given their own books in this series.

Venus in Blue Jeans tells the story of Docia Kent, the daughter of a wealthy man, who has struck out on her own, but is having a hard time being accepted into the town of Konisburg. I enjoyed watching Docia fall in love with the impoverished new veterinarian in town. This book as a strong romantic suspense component and keeps the reader guessing, although the villain seems looks obvious at first. Interesting twists keep the story engaging to the end.

If recommending this book to a friend, I’d say the characters are fun and the writing tight.